Children's Miracle Network is Adopted as a Second National Philanthropy, 1986

By the early 1980s, there was a desire among many Phi Mus for a more "hands-on" philanthropy, where they could truly see the results of their work for themselves. The National Council learned of Children's Miracle Network (CMN), an organization dedicated to raising funds for children's hospitals in 1985, and it was formally adopted as a second national philanthropic project at the 1986 National Convention. CMN's main fundraising event is an annual telethon, and Phi Mu representatives attended their first telethon in 1987 to present a check for $53,539.55 raised by the chapters. Popular fundraising events have included rock-a-thons, Karnations for Kids, fashion shows, golf tournaments, breakfast with Santa events, skate-a-thons, duck races, and selling CMN balloons. Because CMN commits to keeping 100% of donations in the area in which they were raised, Phi Mu chapters can, and often do, visit the hospitals they support to see the results of their efforts in their own community. Support for CMN has continued, and grown, since it was first adopted. Most recently, Phi Mu was recognized as a member of the Million Miracle Club for raising more than $1 million for CMN Hospitals in 2016.